PO Box 1472, Lander, WY 82520 | (307) 438-9272
Chelsea’s Fund is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, EIN 83-0322262. Donations are deductible to the extent allowed by law.
© Chelsea’s Fund.
How common is abortion?
Abortion is common. One in four women in the US has an abortion by the age of 45. People have abortions for many reasons, including their health, their finances, their age, their career goals, their family situation, pregnancy complications, and other reasons. Your own reason is the right reason.
Where can I get an abortion?
Please see our Abortion Providers page to locate the nearest provider to you. As this site is intended for Wyoming and eastern Idaho residents, we list abortion providers in Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, and Utah that are most relevant to Wyoming residents. In Wyoming, telehealth medication abortion is available so you may not have to leave your home.
What if I cannot afford an abortion?
CONTACT US! 307-438-9272 Chelsea’s Fund will help you fund your abortion. In addition to our fund, we may help you access other funding sources and suggest additional ways to pay for your abortion. Please see our Financial Assistance page for more information.
Must I be a US citizen to receive assistance?
No. We do not ask about your country of citizenship or immigration status. Anyone who lives in Wyoming or eastern Idaho or accessing a Wyoming provider is eligible for financial assistance.
Can I receive funds if I don’t live in Wyoming?
Yes — if you are accessing abortion services in Wyoming. If you live elsewhere, please contact the National Network of Abortion Funds for funding suggestions.
Where does Chelsea’s Fund get its funding?
Chelsea’s Fund is funded by generous private donors who believe everyone has a right to personal reproductive decisions and no one should be denied an abortion due to financial barriers.
Where can I get affordable birth control?
Ask the clinic where/if you are getting an abortion. They may be able to provide you an IUD or other long-acting reversible contraceptive at the same time. If interested, LET US KNOW and we may be able to help with that cost too.
If you have health insurance, ask your insurer about coverage. All Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare) compliant plans must cover contraceptive methods and counseling. These plans must cover birth control services without charging a co-payment or co-insurance when they’re provided by an in-network provider. This is true even if you haven’t met your deductible. See HealthCare.gov for more info.
If you don’t have insurance, find your nearest Wyoming Title X clinic. These clinics provide affordable birth control options on a sliding scale based on your income. They will not deny anyone services because they are unable to pay. Teenagers do not need parental permission to receive birth control services.
Can I purchase abortion pills online?
YES! See Justthepill.com. Also, AidAccess. and several other providers are making abortion medication online. Aid Access will also provide in advance. Chelsea’s Fund currently does not have an ongoing funding relationship with AidAccess.org , which charges $150 for the medication.
Chelsea’s Fund is not directly affiliated with the resources on this page, excepting NNAF, and it cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information on their websites. However, their sites include extensive information and other resources that you might find helpful.
Plan C has extensive resources about accessing abortion pills and safely self-managing abortions. In addition to information about abortion pills, you will find many useful links to other resources.
The Miscarriage and Abortion Hotline states it is is staffed by pro-abortion clinicians with years of experience in caring for miscarriage and abortion. Call or text 833-246-2632 6am-12 midnight Mountain time for information about self-managing your miscarriage or abortion. They affirm they will respond within an hour.
Their website also provides links to numerous websites related to accessing abortion pills, emotional support, financial assistance, legal advice abortion hotlines, and trans and gender-expansive abortion seekers.
Pro-Choice Wyoming provides essentail pro-choice watch-dogging and lobbying in Wyoming’s legislature and throughout the state. For decades, Pro-Choice Wyoming has advocated for laws that protect the fundamental freedom to make your own reproductive decisions. If you want to stay informed on pending legislative issues or support pro-choice lobbying in Wyoming, please consider becoming a member of Pro-Choice Wyoming.
Contact the Repro Legal Helpline to reach a free, confidential helpline where you can get information about your legal rights regarding self-managed abortion. They strive to give you clear, understandable answers about legal rights, what the law is, and how it has been used. Their website also includes FAQs and other helpful information about your legal rights and issues.
RAINN is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to preventing sexual assault, assisting survivors, and ensuring perpetrators are brought to justice. They operate the National Sexual Assault Hotline (available 24/7) where victims of sexual assault can receive free, confidential support and counseling. The hotline can be reached:
Reprocare‘s anonymous healthline provides peer-based emotional support, medical information, and referrals to people having abortions. You can call or text the Reprocare Healthline at 833-226-7821.
The National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF) is the “hub” of individual abortion funds such as Chelsea’s Fund, creating opportunities for funds to share their work, to learn from each other, and to support each other, wherever they were located. NNAF includes nearly 100 abortion funds in the United States, Mexico, Canada, and the United Kingdom. NNAF educates legislators, the White House, the national media, and the public about the particular barriers to abortion for low-income individuals, immigrants, Native and indigenous people, minors, individuals in prison, and rural and urban individuals. Chelsea’s Fund is a proud NNAF affiliate.
Exhale provides after-abortion support via a text-line at 617-749-2948, primarily between 4pm to 10 pm mountain time. They aim to create a social climate where each person’s unique experience with abortion is supported, respected, and free from stigma. Exhale provides services, training, and education to empower individuals, families, and communities to achieve post-abortion health and well-being.
The Guttmacher Institute advances sexual and reproductive health and rights through an interrelated program of research, policy analysis and public education designed to generate new ideas, encourage enlightened public debate and promote sound policy and program development. The Institute’s overarching goal is to ensure the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health for all people worldwide.
Faith Aloud‘s goal is to provide judgment-free and compassionate spiritual care to people in all their decisions and experiences regarding pregnancy, parenting, abortion, and adoption. Their Spiritual Care Line is a space where callers can reach a Spiritual Care Counselor – 888-717-5010.
The Abortion Ministry of Dr. Willie Parker: An insightful profile of Alabama born, Baptist raised, Harvard educated doctor who today travels a circuit of southern states to provide abortion care.
What It’s Really Like to Have an Abortion: Five women answer questions about their experiences.
How Three Fierce Justices Took Control of the Supreme Court: A report on the oral argument for Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt, the most important abortion case in decades. The three women justices illuminated the sham that the Texas law – and others laws like it – is.